
Castor offshore platformGEoREST aims at developing a novel methodology to predict and mitigate induced seismicity. Fluid injection related to underground resources has become widespread, causing numerous cases of induced seismicity. If felt, induced seismicity has a negative effect on public perception and may jeopardise wellbore stability and infrastructure, which has led to the cancellation of several projects.

Sri Kalyan Tangirala will present his latest research at the Geothermal Research and Innovation Network for Portugal and Spain (GeoRIN) monthly meeting on 30 May 2024


Sri Kalyan Tangirala recently presented his latest published work (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2024.103018) online at the Geothermal Research and Innovation Network for Portugal and Spain (GeoRIN) monthly meeting on 30 May 2024.


Title: Understanding fracture behavior during hydraulic stimulation of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)

Speaker: Sri Kalyan Tangirala



The GEoREST team has another new publication in the International Journal of Geothermal Research and its Applications


We have another new publication in International Journal of Geothermal Research and its Applications - "Hydromechanical modeling of the hydraulic stimulations in borehole PX2 (Pohang, South Korea)".
You can access this open access paper here:


GEoREST https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2024.103009

The GEoREST team has another new publication in the International Journal of Geothermal Research and its Applications


We have another new publication in International Journal of Geothermal Research and its Applications - "Effectiveness of injection protocols for hydraulic stimulation in enhanced geothermal systems".
You can access this open access paper here:


GEoREST https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2024.103018

Congratulations to Dario Sciandra for defending his PhD thesis with Excellent Cum Laude!


We would like to congratulate to Dario Sciandra for successfully completing his PhD with Honors Cum Laude at UPC on February 9, 2024.

Adjunto foto i document de la tesis. Podràs posar el document de la tesis a Publications, com amb les tesis de l'Iman Vaezi i l'Auregan Boyet?


Títol de la tesis: Multiscale subsurface characterization for geo-energy applications



M. Elena Vallés del Diario de Mallorca muy interesada por la seismicidad inducida en la entrevista a Víctor Vilarrasa


M. Elena Vallés del Diario de Mallorca publica un extenso artículo entrevistando a Víctor Vilarrasa. Los temas de la seismicidad inducida, la geotermia, el congreso organizado esta semana en Ca n'Oleo, posibilidades de implantación como alternativa a otras renovables o no, ... y todo ello en Mallorca.