Public outreach



  1. Vilarrasa, V., 2024. Interviewed by Rosa Campomar, Ara Balears, to write the article on geothermal energy “A geothermal power plant in Llucmajor?”, published on 3 February 2024 (link)


  1. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by David Oliver, IB3 Radio on the program Entre Avui i Demà, on how to minimize seismicity induced by low-carbon geo-energies, 29 November 2023 (link)
  2. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by Elena Ballestero, newspaper Última Hora, for writing an article on geothermal energy and induced seismicity, 27 November 2023  
  3. (link)
  4. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Dissemination article entitled “What caused the earthquakes of Castor?”, published by the Foundation Muy Interesante, whose aim is the knowledge transfer to society, 2 November 2023 (link)
  5. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by Marta González Martín, newspaper El País, for writing an article on geothermal energy, 29 October 2023 (link)
  6. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by David Oliver, IB3 Radio on the program Entre Avui i Demà, on geologic carbon storage as an option to reach carbon neutrality, 2 October 2023 (link)
  7. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Presentation of the stand “Zero emissions, the solution is in the subsurface” at the European Research Night, Palma, Spain, 29 September 2023
  8. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by Ángel Rodriguez Lozano, CienciaES, on Talking with Scientists, on benefits and challenges of geothermal energy, 20 July 2023 (link)
  9. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by José Manuel Salguero, Aragón TV on the program Esta es mi tierra, on CO2 capture and utilization to reach carbon neutrality, 12 July 2023 (link)
  10. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed on the TV program 5 Dies of IB3TV, by Antònia Ferrer, explaining our study on the seismicity induced by hydraulic stimulation at the enhanced geothermal system at Basel and the role of geothermal energy to reach the climate goals of the Paris Agreement, 6 July 2023 (link)
  11. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interview on the program “El Nautilus” of IB3 ràdio, by Cristina Amanda Tur, explaining the potential of geothermal energy to reach net-zero emissions, and how the risk of induced seismicity can be minimized, based on our study that explains the causes of the induced seismicity at the enhanced geothermal system at  
  12. Basel, 1 July 2023 (from minute 2:55 to 17:32) (link)
  13. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by Denisse Cepeda, Cinco Días, El País, on offshore geologic carbon storage in Spain, 20 April 2023 link)
  14. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by Rosa Basteiro, Spanish National Radio (RNE), on geologic carbon storage as a technology to contribute to reach zero emissions for the program Las mañanas de RNE con Íñigo Alfonso, 5 April 2023 (link from minute 19:55 to 22:25)
  15. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Article at The Conversation (ISSN 2201-5639), entitled “Is it safe to store millions of tons of CO2 underground?”, edited by Lucía Caballero, 30 March 2023 (link)
  16. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by Clara Ceballos, Catalan National Radio, on geologic carbon storage as a technology to contribute to reach zero emissions. News on Radio 4, 16 March 2023 (link from minute 24:00 to 25:20)
  17. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by José Antonio González Martínez, Antropía (ABC Newspaper) and Vocento Editor, for an article on geologic carbon storage, 9 March 2023 (link)
  18. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by Ángel Rodriguez Lozano, CienciaES, on Talking with Scientists, about geologic carbon storage, 3 March 2023 (link)
  19. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by José Manuel Salguero, Aragón TV on the program Esta es mi tierra, to introduce geologic CO2 storage as a safe option to reach carbon neutrality to mitigate the climate emergency, 16 February 2023 (link, link)
  20. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Interviewed by David Oliver, IB3 Radio on the program Entre Avui i Demà, to explain the objective and potential impact of the recently awarded ERC-PoC CO2SINk, 3 February 2023 (link from minute 23:00 to 32:30)
  21. Vilarrasa, V., 2023. Communicate of the Science and Education for the Youth Working Group of the GYA on the International Day of Education: On #InternationalDayofEducation, the GYA's Science Education for Youth WG pledges to observe the global movement of supporting quality education for all including girls, children with disabilities or from minority groups, conflict areas & environments suffering from climate impacts. Join us in raising awareness and ensuring that every child has a right to education (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child)! (24 January 2023)



  1. Vilarrasa, V., 2022. Interviewed by Víctor Sorribes for the TV News at the Catalan National TV (TV3) on the lack of a thorough monitoring at the Castor Underground Gas Storage and the need of proper real-time monitoring and interpretation for the success of geo-energy projects in the context of the energetic transition, 13 August 2022 (link)
  2. Vilarrasa, V., 2022. Interviewed by Rosa Basteiro, Spanish National Radio (RNE), on groundwater management to mitigate the effects of the current drought in Spain, 10 Agust 2022 (link from minute 18:30 to 20:30)
  3. Vilarrasa, V., 2022. Interviewed by Jordi Marsal, from the Catalan News Agency, on the induced seismicity at the Castor underground gas storage. Cuts of the interview were included on news at Catalan radios. 7 July 2022
  4. Vilarrasa, V., 2022. Lecturer of the workshop “Clean energy below our feet” for primary school kids, at the public outreach “Science for everybody” organized by the University of the Balearic Islands, Palma, Spain, 12-13 May 2022 (31 groups of 12-18 students, some 465 kids and teenagers)
  5. Vilarrasa, V., 2022. Lecturer of the workshop “Today we want to learn about volcanoes” for the third-grade classroom of the Primary School of Esporles, Spain, 27 April 2022
  6. Vilarrasa, V., 2022. Interview on the program “El Nautilus” of IB3 ràdio explaining that a proper monitoring of the underground gas storage of Castor could have allowed to prevent the induced earthquakes, 9 July 2022 (from minute 15:30 to 30:10) (link)
  7. Vilarrasa, V., 2022. Two articles on geothermal energy and geologic carbon storage in the public outreach magazine ‘CSIC Investiga’, in its 3rd issue on Energy: Science to boost the energetic transition, 27 January 2022 (link)


  1. Vilarrasa, V., 2021. Interviewed by Guillermo Cid for preparing an article published in the newspaper El Confidencial on using the geothermal energy of volcanic areas to produce electricity, 10 October 2021 (link)
  2. Vilarrasa, V., 2021. Interview at TV3 (Public Catalan TV) explaining the causes of the induced seismicity at Castor, 18 October 2021 (TN Comarques: (link)
  3. Els Matins - TV3:(link)
  4. Vilarrasa, V., 2021. Interview at the radio program “Nautilus” of IB3 radio to explain my research on subsurface technologies to reduce CO2 emissions (geothermal energy, geologic CO2 storage and subsurface energy storage), 8 October 2021 (link from minute 18’25” to 33’17”)
  5. Vilarrasa, V., 2021. Participation in the panel “How to manage CO2 in Asturias? The new reality in the energetic panorama” in the radio program “Asturias al Día en RPA. Buenos días... y buena ciencia con el CSIC”, 1 October 2021 (link)
  6. Vilarrasa, V., 2021. Publication of news explaining a proposed methodology to foster CO2 emission reduction through Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), which, if applied to Spain, could reduce emissions in 21%: El Periodico de Cataluña, El Diario, Nius, Qué, National Geographic Spain, El Ágora, Diario Costa, Alicante Plaza, Diario de Donosti, Diario de Errenteria, Ecoticias, Interempresas, La Nueva España, Meteo Red, Retema, Stick, Teleprensa, Xataka, Yahoo, Europa Press, EFE, EFE Verde, Radio COPE
  7. Vilarrasa, V., 2021. Interviewed by Lorena Farràs for preparing an article published in the newspaper La Vanguardia on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS), 14 March 2021 (link)
  8. Vilarrasa, V., 2021. Interview on the program “El replà” of IB3 ràdio explaining the potential of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) to reach net-zero emissions, 20 September 2021 at 16:15 (link)
  9. Vilarrasa, V., 2021. Post in the CSIC’s science blog “Ciencia para llevar” (Science to take away) of the newspaper 20minutos: “Geologic carbon storage: the ugly duckling of decarbonization” (in Spanish) (10 August 2021) (link)
  10. Vilarrasa, V., 2021. Interviews on TV (TV3 and À Punt Mèdia) and radio (RAC1, RNE, La Ser, Radio Aragón) explaining the causes of the induced seismicity at Castor TV3 3/24 news, interviewed by Víctor Sorribes:  (link)
  11. À Punt Mèdia Night News, interviewed by Abel Campos (from minute 21:00 to 22:45): (link)
  12. Versió RAC 1 with Toni Clapés: (link)
  13. RNE, interviewed by Alba Rubio (minute 6 second 16): (link)
  14. Aragón Radio, Àgora by Marcos Ruíz: (link)
  15. La Ser Ebre, interviewed by Silvia Tejedor: (link)
  16. Vilarrasa, V., 2021. “IMEDEA day by day”, an initiative to communicate the scientific activity at IMEDEA-CSIC (link)


  1. Vilarrasa, V., 2020. Radio interview on how the subsurface can contribute to reach zero emissions, at the program De cero al infinito of Onda Cero radio, 26 December 2020 (link)
  2. Vilarrasa, V., 2020. Post in the CSIC’s science blog “Ciencia para llevar” (Science to take away) of the newspaper 20minutos: How to achieve zero emissions: the solution stays underground (link)
  3. Vilarrasa, V. and Parisio, F., 2020. Combining geothermal energy production with permanent CO₂ storage. 1 December 2020 (link)
  4. Vilarrasa, V., 2020. Radio interview at the program Balears fa ciència of IB3 radio, 20 June 2020 (link)



  1. Vilarrasa, V., 2019. Charge your electric car with the Earth. COP25 Side Event of Climate Action (talk at the IDAEA weekly seminar series), IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain, 11 December 2019
  2. Vilarrasa, V. and Parisio, F., 2019. Charge your electric car with the Earth. Poster and video presentation at the COP25 Chile, UN Climate Change Conference, Madrid, Spain, 7 December 2019 (link)
  3. Vilarrasa, V., 2019. Flyer of the project GEoREST. COP25 Chile, UN Climate Change Conference, Madrid, Spain, 7 December 2019 (link)
  4. Vilarrasa, V., 2019. Interview with Dr Victor Vilarrasa by The Daily Prosper about Storing CO₂ in liquid state. The Daily Prosper. (link)
  5. Vilarrasa, V., 2019. CCS remains a safe option to significantly reduce CO₂ emissions. 10th International CCS Environmental Forum, Seoul, South Korea, 22-26 July 2019 (invited speaker)


Press releases



CSIC researchers have developed a digital model that predicts seismic risk in obtaining clean energy from under the planet’s surface (23 June 2023) link 

Storing CO2 underground could be a safe solution to mitigate climate change, according to a CSIC study (31 January 2023)  link 

A paper detector for infectious diseases and a mehod to store CO2 in volcanic areas receive 300.000 € from EU (26 January 2023) link 



A CSIC study concludes that inadequate monitoring in Castor prevented anticipation of the earthquakes (30 June 2022) link



Capture and underground storage of CO2 could reduce the Spanish annual CO2 emissions in 21% (2 August 2021) link

A study by CSIC reveals the causes of the induced earthquakes by the gas storage of Castor (12 April 2021) (link)



A study from IDAEA-CSIC proposes an innovative method of CO2 storage to mitigate climate change (1 December 2020) (link)



A new model analyzes the possibility of producing geothermal energy in volcanic areas (in Spanish) (8 October 2019) (link)