Aurégan Boyet

GEoREST - Aurégan Boyet


I acquired my MSc in Geosciences and Environment, specialization in Energy Resources at the Institut Polytechnique Unilasalle Beauvais, during a 5-year cursus. I write my MSc thesis concerning Topography controls on initiation and properties of runoff-generated debris flows during an internship at Earth Surface Process Modelling section of the GFZ - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam.

I have joined Groundwater and Hydrogeochemistry research group at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research of the Spanish National Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC) as a PhD student to work in modeling induced post-injection seismicity as a result of fluid injection/extraction related to geothermal energy, geologic carbon storage and subsurface energy storage within the GEoREST project and the doctoral program of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC).










