Linus Walter

GEoREST - Linus Walter



I obtained my diploma in engineering (equivalent to M.Sc.) in the study programe ‘Geotechnical Engineering and Mining’ from TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany. Consequently, my main background is in applied rock mechanics and soil mechanics with a focus on the mitigation of geohazards.
In addition, I wrote my diploma thesis in the field of reservoir engineering. Its principal subject related to the numerical modelling of hydromechanically coupled processes in a fractured reservoir at the Geretsried Deep Geothermal Project in Germany.
Since July 2021, I have been working as a PhD student in the GeoREST research project at IDAEA-CSIC. My main field of investigation is the ‘Prediction of Induced Seismicity by the Application of Machine Learning’.



ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6686-9556



Rock Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Engineering Geology, Linear Poroelasticity, Numerical Modelling



Aug. 2013 Diploma in Geotechnical Engineering and Mining, Technical University. 
Major in Geotechnical Engineering.



04/2021 – 06/2021 Project Engineer, G.E.O.S. Freiberg. Hydromechanically coupled reservoir simulation in OpenGeoSys of the Otaniemi Deep Geothermal Project in Finland.
08/2019 – 10/2019 Research Intern, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. Numerical modelling of the settlement of adjecent infrastructure during the construction of metro line 14 in ABAQUS.
10/2016 – 12/2016 Engineering Intern, DBE. Geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring of mine rehabilitation at the future repository mine for low-level radioactive waste „Konrad“.