The GEoREST team organizes the workshop "Zero emissions? The solution is underground!" at the Researchers' Night on Sep 29

GEoREST - Nit de la Recerca. Palma. 2023


Celebrate the European Researchers' Night with IMEDEA!!

GEoREST - Nit de la RecercaNext Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30, the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies (IMEDEA, CSIC-UIB) will join the celebrations of the European Night of Researchers 2023 through its scientific dissemination project OceanNight CSIC . For this, it will have scientific and technical staff who will explain, in various settings in the city of Palma, their observations, experiences and discoveries through various informative and free activities aimed at all audiences.

GEoREST organizes, led by Víctor Vilarrasa and Rotman Alejandro Criollo, the workshop n. 3 with the title "Emissions 0? The solution is in the underground!".
Climate change is caused by the increase in emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO₂). Storing CO₂ in the subsoil, at a sufficient depth, could be a safe and viable option to achieve a world free of emissions in the atmosphere. Víctor and Rotman will explain how.

Venue: Parc de la Mar (Palma)
Date: Friday, September 29
Hours: from 6pm to 11pm


pdf Flyer CO2SINk - català


pdf Flyer CO2SINk - castellano


pdf Flyer GEoREST - English/Spanish



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